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Maybe they’ve just tried so many things, they don’t believe it will work. For some reason, people who I tell about the gummies never seem to try it. That’s what my boss said he did and it at least somewhat worked for him. Anywho, really hope it works but if it doesn’t it might be worth it to look into a good sleep psychologist.

If I am very anxious, like one night this last week, I’ll take a whole gummy (which is actually just half the dose) and then go back to half a gummy. Right now im actually not sleeping enough because im so busy! So I don’t take my gummy until quite late but it does still help me get to sleep pretty fast. I really hope they work for you because it is such an easy fix. I am still taking them and they still help me. Hi, thanks for sharing! I’m so glad it was useful in some way and am so so very sorry you’re struggling to sleep, truly makes everything else so difficult. Being exhausted and having frayed emotions every day is not sustainable. ANYWAY, I now take half a gummy a night and I am asleep within an hour with no groggy feeling the following day. To be fair, that was at my worst, but it would always take me several hours a night at least to fall asleep. I used to have insomnia and one year averaged 3 hours a night with no naps. If I take the recommended two gummies, I am asleep within half an hour which is REALLY fast for me, especially consistently, but I would have that groggy feeling the next day. Since it’s so strong, I only took half a pill every other night and that seemed enough to regulate my sleep, but I really hated being on something so strong. The only thing that worked while I was taking it was ambien. I actually recommend it to a bunch of people because of this. I don’t know if the multi works honestly, but the melatonin definitely works for me. Just in case people are still looking this up. /r/OutOfTheLoop: Current events you may have missed./r/explainlikeimfive: Simple explanations of complex subjects./r/CasualConversation: Casual conversations (duh)./r/askscience: Professional-level scientific explanations./r/AskReddit: General questions and opinions.Try and be objective - a product may be legitimate even though you personally dislike it.We don't require that comments include sources, but we appreciate it when they do! Simply replying "Yes" or "No" can be confusing. Try to be unambiguous - saying "Bullshit" or "Not Bullshit" is good.Note that there are no spaces in the words and they do end with a colon. All posts must begin with either IsItBullshit: or Bullshit.Search to see if the subject of your post has been posted before.Questions about wild rumours or conspiracy theories.Personal questions (including, but not limited to, medical questions).Subreddit Rules Subreddit Wiki You Should Post: If you suspect a product or service of being sketchy, this is the community to ask.Īlready know a certain product or service are bullshit? You can share that experience here, too.